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SUNDAY WORSHIP for June 9-Sept 1: 9:30am

During the rest of the year: 8:15am and 10:30am*

*We try to livestream one service a week on our YouTube channel and available to watch anytime after!

You are invited.  You are welcome.


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“God dreams of Shalom: A mended universe.  And we get to be universe menders!”

Join us for Vacation Bible School

  • August 12-16
  • 6pm – 8pm
  • Youth aged 5 – 10
  • Adults welcome to come help!


Good Shepherd is Hosting VBS!

What is VBS?

Vacation Bible School is a week-long summer day-camp kind of program where kids sing songs, learn Bible stories, do crafts, play games, some service learning, and have fun together!

This year, we’re doing a VBS program called “Operation Restoration: Mending God’s World”. We’re going to learn about how God feeds, heals, forgives, listens and invites us to rest.  And of course, how we get to participate with God in these things! 

We hope you can join us!

If you have any questions, please reach out to the office by phone: 845-735-2243